
JConnect4 is a Java implementation of the classic board game "Connect Four"(TM). You can play it online now or download it and play it offline.
About JConnect4
JConnect4 is a clone of the classic board game Connect Four (TM). It features a very strong computer player with several different adjustable levels. It's written in Java, so you can play it online now or download it and run it whenever you want.
I wrote this ages ago. It's not really a properly behaving Java applet, and it might not run on your browser. And most unfortunately, I've lost the source code, so I can't modernize it. G'luck!
JConnect4 is free. You may redistribute it provided you distribute
the complete distribution, including documentation, without any
modifications. JConnect4 comes without warranty of any kind.
Current version:
- Play online now
- JConnect4.jar (~24KB) To run this program offline, you must have a JVM downloaded and installed. You can run the application with the command "java -jar JConnect4.jar". Under windows, you can simply double click on the application (See FAQ if you have trouble with this)
- Double clicking on JConnect4.jar doesn't run the program!
First, you need to have a JVM installed. You can download one at java.sun.com. Second, your file type association must be correct.
- Ensure that a JVM is installed. Under the start menu, select Search and search for a file named "java.exe". Write down the location of this file. It might look something like: C:\Program Files\JRE\bin\java.exe.
- Double click on My Computer, go to the Tools menu, Folder Options, File Types tab.
- Scroll down and select JAR extension.
- Click advanced. Click "open" under Actions, then the "Edit..." button.
- Click on the "Browse..." button and select the program named java.exe that you found in step 1.
- In the second box (Application used to perform action), add the following at the very end: _"-jar"_"%1", where _ is a space. *DO* enter the quotation marks. Close the windows. Double clicking on .jar files should now work.
- There are a few bugs, like I can't close the window using the "X" box
- Sorry. I'd fix them if I could, but I've misplaced the source for this program!
Everything you see here is (C) 2003 by Edwin Olson, eolson@mit.edu. Please feel free to link, but don't copy my content.
Last modified: May 03 2006 20:23:27.